FSLA Features MedBest Blog in Newsletter

FSLA Features MedBest Blog in Newsletter

With all the press and attention going to Millennials and Baby Boomers in recent years, there’s a generation that’s been underserved and overlooked, namely Generation X (Gen X).
Gen X, born between 1965-1981, is expected to contribute to the workplace in numbers totaling 65.8 million and according to FastCompany.com, Gen X leaders now hold more than half (51%) of leadership roles globally.
Formerly known as the “latch-key” kids, Gen Xers had to be self-reliant and self-sufficient. Therefore, they grew up to be adult workers with admirable traits. They are resourceful, hard-working, adaptable and loyal in their approach to careers. But along the way, they also gained a reputation for being unambitious, which may be holding them back from promotions.
Harvard Business Review reveals that new data shows that Gen X is overlooked for promotions at higher rates than their counterparts in other generations especially the Millennials. Could this mean that Gen Xers are looking for greener pastures? It’s very possible. Senior Living organizations could be facing a Gen X talent retention issue in 2020.
What do Gen Xers want in the workplace?
  • Recognition: Gen Xers respond to appreciation and recognition of their good work. It confirms they are valued by their colleagues and your organization. When recognized and valued, their satisfaction and productivity increases, and they are motivated to maintain or improve their good work.
  • Career Growth & Promotions: Senior Living companies and communities need to be ready with an answer in the form of new leadership opportunities, stretch assignments, attractive career path options and promotions to retain Gen Xers.
  • Culture of Diversity: Gen X managers appreciate diversity in the workplace. They place emphasis on a culture that embraces gender diversity, all races, and age groups. But to them, diversity also means being different in thoughts and ideas and being free to express oneself and be listened to.
  • Purpose: According to RisePeople.com, Gen X isn’t content with just proving their worth by doing what is required of them in their roles. Gen X employees want to feel like their work matters. When asked what is most important to them at work, 39% cited “the ability to make a difference in the organization.”
  • Flexibility: Gen Xers work hard and play hard. For that reason, when it comes to rewards, they place a high value on flexibility in order to allow them to care for and spend quality time with their families and in their lives outside of the office.
  • Financial Wellness: Gen Xers are financially stressed states SHRM. To address this, employers should look at their benefit offerings such as financial wellness advice and tools. Gen Xers want financial wellness programs available to them through work.
  • Affordable Healthcare & Wellness Programs: Gen X workers rely heavily on health insurance coverage for their whole family. For that reason, affordable health insurance has become a huge concern. In addition, they would like benefit offerings that make it easier for them to take care of their own health such as calltoemedicine, wellness programs and onsite clinics.
Gen X will continue to be a core segment of our general and senior care workforce for decades to come. Workplaces that address their needs and concerns will be able to curtail their departure and retain a generation that is most loyal and productive.
Julie Rupenski is the Founder, President & CEO of MedBest, opening the doors in 2001. Since that time, Julie has gained national recognition for providing top talent solutions exclusively for the Senior Living industry. Her specialties include filling C-Suite, Vice President, Regional, and Property level positions.
Contact Julie Rupenski at jkrupenski@www.medbest.com / 727-526-1294.

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