Assisted Living

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Assisted living is a type of care for older adults who need help with normal daily activities that’s provided in a residential facility. To best understand what assisted living is, it can be helpful to define what it’s not. It is not a nursing home or a setting where residents need round-the-clock medical care. Instead, seniors in assisted living receive personal care and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting so that they’re able to live as independently as possible.

What’s more, a look around a typical assisted living community will reveal something far different from the clinical setting many imagine when they hear the words “retirement home.” While each community is different, assisted living facilities in the U.S. today typically offer a wide range of convenient services, comforts, amenities and enriching activities to ensure residents get the help and care they need, in a setting they can call “home.”

While there is no federal definition of “assisted living” in the U.S., the term generally refers to a type of personal care for people who need assistance with various activities of daily living — such as dressing, bathing and grooming — in order to live as independently as possible.

Assisted living care is typically provided in long-term residential facilities, where mostly elderly residents live and receive daily care and services from on-site staff. Unlike skilled nursing care, assisted living does not include medical care services (such as managing catheters, IVs or dressing wounds).

Visit assisted living for more information and resources regarding Assisted Living, including:

  • Who is a Good Candidate For Assisted Living
  • Assisted Living Care, Services & Amenities
  • Types of Care Provided
  • Assisted Living Costs
  • How Assisted Living Compares to Other Options




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